Macintosh-related Internet resources -- Hardware
This page was last updated Sunday, September 17, 1995.
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- Apple Product Descriptions <URL:gopher://>
- Apple Products <URL:>
- Clock Chipping Home Page - "To ease access to some of the most up to date information on crystal oscillator swapping/acceleration on your Apple Macintosh computer I've started this Clock Chipping Home Page. Please send me any information you think should be added." <URL:>
- Index of reviews of Macintosh products - "The reviews listed here are from MacWorld and MacUser magazines (United States editions), starting with the January 1993 issues. You can search for any word in the name of the product or the name of the manufacturer.... This service is an exclusive feature of Internet Computer Index (ICI). The indexes of reviews are prepared by Proper Publishing for exclusive use on ICI. We hope you find them useful." <URL:>
- Macintosh Product Guide, by Apple Computer, Inc. - "This database contains information about Macintosh products from publishers around the world. There are currently around 14,000 products listed, with more added every month. " <URL:>
- Prices of used Macintoshes and PCs <URL:>
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This page was last created by Eric. Please feel free to send comments.